Month: June 2011

“Fear Not I am with You”

I am always amazed at the times in the Bible when some great hero of faith is approached by God and told to do something and they always have a million reasons why they can’t do it. God never tries to ego boost”. He...

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Mercy connections – disasters

The flooding in Minot has reached epic proportions.  It has gotten bad enough that the national news actually is paying attention.  That is something.  Eric Sevareid, a North Dakota native and a long time television newsman...

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Quilts and Yarn and Mercy. Awesome!

The last few blogs have talked about the little things of life and how after a life changing event, like an illness or an operation or the death of a loved one, those little things take on big proportions.  Sometimes the life...

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Waiting in the Living Room – part 2

Now that my wife is at home and I am doing the cooking etc, the simple stuff of life that I took for granted is coming to the fore.  The simple ability to get up and walk out the door and get into my car and drive somewhere has...

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