Month: September 2011

Dahlstrom Motors – thanks

 Dahlstrom motors is the epitome of a small town business that has become something of an institution.  Back at the turn of the other century, around 1905, Dick Dahlstrom’s grandfather had a harness shop that went out of...

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A Compass That Points In

Someone told me that I as a Pastor should probably stay out of the political arena.  So I will simply say this is not about politics, but about theology and how it can affect politics and vice versa. Somewhere or other we had a...

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Shepherd’s Hill at the Crossroads

Saturday, Sept. 17, 2011, Shepherd’s Hill at the Crossroads is having their Annual Quilt, Craft and Culinary arts Auction. It begins at 1:00 pm with an open house and the auction begins at 2:00 pm. This year we are...

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