Month: September 2011

Losing an Eschatological Perspective

 The story of the unforgiving servant is intriguing.  A guy who is in debt for a huge amount of money has the debt forgiven by his Master.  When he finds someone who owes him a small amount and can’t pay right away he...

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They are not alive to hear it!

We received a briefing from Mary Mitkos  of the Lutheran Malaria Initiative.  She was commenting on Bishop Walter Obare’s personal observation that many of his brothers and sisters died of malaria.  He said, “I was...

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“Work, Fight and Pray”

Got this message after Bill’s blog calling Minot a “forgotten City” (Sept 1). Some of us can’t get involved with the clean up because we are very allergic to dust and mold. I’ve battled a sinus...

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