Month: July 2012

The LWML’s Had Conventions – 2

  JoNette Brogaard was elected as President.  Will try and get a list of other officers later. Delegates selected the following mission grants for the 2012-2014 biennium: 1) Orphan Grain Train – $8,500 2) Scholarships for...

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The LWML’s Had Conventions 1

  “With Jesus…Right Where You Are” from Micah 4:2,5 was the theme of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League North Dakota District Convention June 24-26.  Pastor Fenske of Grand Forks led the convention in God’s...

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President Harrison’s Open Letter

Here is an open letter from Rev. Harrison if you haven’t seen it. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life. In response to the incursion of the U.S....

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