Month: September 2012

Communion of Saints part 3

I have been known to upset people by observations that I have made that I believe are absolutely spot on.  I told an LWML group that I believed the joy they experienced in being in that particular LWML unit was the joy of...

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Communion of Saints part 2

We have talked on these pages about those who believe that they can get people to have a “life together” if they force everyone to use the hymn book or have certain types of vestments or what ever.  Bonhoeffer...

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Communion of Saints

I have been reading Bonhoeffers book entitled “Communion of Saints”.  With all the issues surrounding our life together I wanted to go back and refresh myself as to what one Lutheran author, Pastor and theologian had...

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Half a World Away.

John Halake is the General Secretary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya.  Many of you have met him.  He has been in many of our churches.  He is a friend of mine and I always wanted to go to his home in Marsabit.  The...

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In Memorium 2012

I published this a year ago and every time this date comes around the vents are as fresh in my mind as they were then and the day they happened.  I always think of those that were there and experienced it.  I pray for them today...

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