Month: October 2012

Needs Knitting and nit picking needs.

I was just looking at a list of ingathering items that a certain non-profit organization would like to have and the long lists of do’s and don’t as to how to package, wrap and send the gathered items.  There seems to...

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LWML Partners – LWML Sunday

The partnership we have with the LWML should gladden our hearts.  They truly serve the Lord with gladness and they repond to the words of Luther in the explanation to the 3rd Commandment ……“We should fear and love...

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Moline’s Little Friend

On September 3 I did a blog on Pastor Moline and his little friend.  Moline wrote  “This guys dad was the pastor hit by a car while driving his motorbike. He wanted this picture taken because “Everyone else was getting...

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Autumn Leaves part 3

I told you that at this time of the year when the leaves are turning I think about death.  We had an smbassador and three others killed in Libya.  Recently some Sunday  School babies were killed in Nairobi because they were...

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