Month: January 2013

The Different faces of Mercy

People have asked me about different ways to show mercy and help communities and people in crisis.  This is from the Indiana District Newsletter and it is pretty cool. The dogs and LCC staff traveled to Connecticut at the...

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Visiting with the Deaconess

 Eunita is at an assembly in St Cloud Minnesota and had a chance to visit with all the children there.  She was in Bismarck and Grand Forks and Dickinson and Willmar.  She even made it to Naomi Dunovans house for an interview...

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Eunita Excellent Adventure

On Thursday January 6th, Deaconess Eunita traveled to Prince of Peace Lutheran School in Saint Cloud, Minnesota. The K-8 students warmly welcomed her and enjoyed an afternoon of learning. Eunita started the afternoon with a...

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On the Visit of the Magi.

So the Wise men saw a star in the East and came to Jerusalem and inquired where the Christ was to born.  Then after being told that he was prophesied to be born in Bethlehmen the star led them again to the place where Jesus...

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What can we do?

So I get depressed about “coming unhinged” as a society and a church and then I get stuff like this.  Peace in Christ in Duluth Minnesota has a Compassion Commitee – this note is from Ruby Berg.  She is telling...

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