Month: January 2013

We all share the same tree

Eunita describes how members of her congregation in Kenya have given small gifts in order to build a new church. It is taking a long time because the families don’t have much. The bricks are made of compacted soil. They...

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We Have Come Unhinged.

This is the time of the year when everyone is looking back and trying to get a grip on the past year and what they want to do for the year ahead.  President Harrison wrote this a few weeks ago in the aftermath of Newtown...

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Kaye Loves a Parade

So I went to Minneapolis to be with my wife’s family for our Christmas celebration and they were watching the Rose Bowl Parade from Pasadena on a big Sony TV when Kaye Kreklau our LWML President and the member at Trinity...

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Eunita on Tour

Eunita Odongo the Deaconness from Kenya who is going to school in Boston and visiting the Minnesota North and North Dakota Districts and sharing her faith was at Cheryl and Wade Gjevre’s in Drayton for a reception and...

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