Month: July 2013

Mercy and the Church as building…….

Rev Karl Weber is a Pastor at Ottertail Minnesota and her serves on the Board of Regents of Concordia University St. Paul, my Alma Mater.  At a recent meeting he reports that Rev. Robert Holts, the President was retiring and had...

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Mercy and the selling if a Church.

There are entire websites devoted to the sale of churches. We have in the last year or so heard a lot of talk about the sale of churches.  I recently heard of the sale of a church in which the intention is not to sell to another...

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Mercy and the defenseless Christ.

Christ sent his disciples out as “sheep among wolves” (Luke 10).  He is the defenseless Christ who used his power in the service of mercy and expending himself in ministry to others.  He withdrew from the opposition...

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