Month: December 2013

You can’t make it up.

Up here in the North country we share lots of things and lousy weather is certainly one of them.  So it seemed like a great idea and I really need something like this since my car sits outside and in the morning when it is -40...

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Mercy and the Mission Field.

It seems to me that whenever I go to a mission meeting somehwere I get a free copy of this book or another one like it.  I have asked myself if those involved in mission would have given the money to mercy work that they spent...

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Our Work and Mercy.

“Man…needs none of these things for his righteousness and salvation. Therefore he should be guided in all his works by this thought and contemplate this one thing alone, that he may serve and benefit others in all...

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Christian Freedom and Mercy.

Behold, from faith thus flow forth love and joy in the Lord, and from love a joyful, willing, and free mind that serves one’s neighbor willingly and takes no account of gratitude or ingratitude, or praise or blame, of gain...

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