Month: January 2014

Rev. John Klemp R+I+P

I said in the previous blog that I thought I had a pretty good handle on information from around the church but I missed this one too.  Here is another former Pastor of the Rock Lake North Dakota church.  Pastor Klemp holds a...

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Pastor Glen Korb R+I+P

I thought I had a pretty good handle on information from around the church and a good network of people who keep me informed of stuff.  My mother asked me if I had heard that Glen Korb had died and I hadn’t.  Glen came to...

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Commemorations of Saints and Feasts.

I have been noticing that a lot of people like to use for their personal salutations, the words from St. Paul. that “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”  That’s found in Philippians 4. ...

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When Do You “Cancel Church”?

I took this picture not to show how bad this storm was but to try and explain to people how bad it can get.  This was a ‘no travel advised “day and yet I could see the road.  Of course this in on the outskirts of...

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The Divine Service and Mission..

I spend some time at mission conferences and I am always stunned at how something that should be pretty simple like “missions” has taken on the character of so much else in our life of faith and that is the...

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