Month: January 2014

Christless Christianity Revisited

“Christless Christianity does not mean religion or spirituality devoid of the words Jesus, Christ, Lord, or even Savior. What it means is that the way those names and titles are employed will be removed from their specific...

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Verbum dei manet in aeternum.

At the end of his lectures in 1531, Luther uttered a brief prayer and then dictated two  Scriptural texts., “The Lord who has given us power to teach and to hear, let Him also give us the power to serve and to do.”...

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The Word of God Shall Stand Forever.

At the end of his lectures in 1531, Luther uttered a brief prayer and then dictated two  Scriptural texts., “The Lord who has given us power to teach and to hear, let Him also give us the  power to serve and to do.”...

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