Month: February 2014

Mercy and the Old Evil Foe.

This is a picture of LCMS President Matthew Harrison dedicating the new Lutheran Seminary in greater Accra Ghana.  I was supposed to be on this trip but there were many things that hindered me from going.  Here is an interesting...

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It’s Been a Long Road but…..

Been down this road before with Morton and Elway and now Peyton but it was a great ride.  Tebow is having a great time and the Vikings didn’t need Percy and Wilson was drafted like 75 and  ……. Did I say it was...

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Mercy and Partners

I believe that this is Amharic.  It may be Ge’ez a localized dialect but I’m not sure.   Amharic is a Semitic language spoken in Ethiopia. It is the second-most spoken Semitic language in the world, after Arabic, ...

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