Month: March 2014

Mission and Mercy and the Sacraments

We have talked about Conviction, Confidence, and Competence as we do mission and mercy.  Are we convinced that the result of mission works should be a church and that means a place where people gather to hear the word and...

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Come to the Water.

  [cincopa A0FA_hr30iZI] Here is a song about the Gospel lesson for today and the leper that Jesus heals in Mark’s Gospel.  I wrote this song a few years ago and we sang it in chapel the other day. John 4 4 Therefore,...

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Blowing the “bargain” into bits.

C.S. Lewis wrote in “Mere Christianity” . I think every one who has some vague belief in God, until he becomes a Christian, has the idea of an exam, or of a bargain in his mind. The first result of real Christianity...

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Let All Peoples Praise the Lord.

So there has been a great deal of ink and time and treasure expended studying missions and mercy and one has to wonder if the time and energy spent studying would have been better utilized in actually witnessing to Christ in the...

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