Month: March 2014

God’s Mission and Missions.

Mission is God’s Mission. God’s mission was to reveal himself as the one who loves the world, who involves himself with the world, who created, sustains, and nurtures the world, and who sent his Son into the world to...

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Conviction and the Journey.

This is a picture of me and Al Colver and John Edson and some other Board members climbing to the top of the hill that John the Chaplain and the other workers in Santiago climb quite a bit.  One of three things is happening here...

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Lisa Lambrecht R+I+P –

When I received the call to Grafton and Drayton in 1978 Charles Lambrecht was the President of Zion congregation and he was in Sweden with his wife at my ordination.  He sent a nice letter welcoming me and when he came home we...

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Conviction and Joy in Mercy and Mission

I wrote the blog on February 27 about conviction and the assaults of the devil and I am afraid it was taken the wrong way.  I somehow made it sound as if the missionary task is lonely, sometimes thankless, and perhaps joyless. ...

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