Month: July 2014

Who Do You Trust?

G.K. Chesterton wrote this and it is worth thinking about. “It is only by believing in God that we can ever criticize the Government.  Once abolish God……and the Government becomes the God.  The fact is written...

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I mentioned before that Klemet Preus had died on July 19th and of course that is wrong.  Klemet died on July 9 – once again here is the funeral and visitation details. There will be visitation this Friday July 11th from...

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Klemet Preus R+I+P

Klemet Preus always had a glint in his eye and a quip on his lips.  He was my friend and I told him that I enjoyed his company because “hilarity would ensue” when we got together.  He lived in the joy of his daily...

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The Hack Gets Hacked………….

So I wake up the other morning turn on my computer and go to my blog to add another item for the day. I get up to make myself a cup of coffee and hear the familiar sounds of the song from the minaret calling the faithful to...

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