Month: September 2014

Mercy and Miracles

They [the masses] are used to them [the miracles of God in nature] and saturated with them like an old house with smoke. They use them and root around in them like a hog in a bag of feed. They say: “Oh, is that such a...

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Mercy, Muslims, and Martin Luther

We tend to think that the issues and the conflict with Islam has been going on since WWII but that would be a huge mistake.  Already in Luther’s time the “Turk” as the Muslim enemies were called were a...

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The Unmerciful Servant

The Gospel lesson for today is the story of the guy who is forgiven a huge debt by his King and when he finds someone who owes a him a much smaller debt begins to choke him and demand him to pay up.  The fellow servants are so...

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The Bridesmaids.

OK so technically they are not Bridesmaids but flower girls but I’m trying to make a point here.  These girls are obviously exhausted after doing their duty for the Bride and Groom and being a part of the wedding party. ...

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