Month: September 2014

Lucia Jording R+I+P

This from the Frank Funeral Home The gift of life here on this earth was given to Lucia Ann (Hatton) Jording on September 29, 1936 in Danville, Illinois, as the daughter of Charles Elmer and Orlena Jane (Melton) Hatton....

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Ebola and Our Partners

I have received many emails from missionaries, Bible translators , aid workers and others from around the world and  it is sad.  Between the terrorist threats, outright war and the Ebola outbreak there is a lot of chaos and...

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Liberty is Essential for Faith

This is a picture of the entrance and the exit from the Wartburg Castle where Luther was hidden and where he translated the Bible into German. When  Luther came back from the Wartburg where he had been in exile and where he...

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