Month: October 2014

Reformation Enemies

From Luther’s  Sermon on Matthew 11:2-10 But it must be observed that Christ says: “The Gospel is preached to none but to the poor only, thus without doubt intending it to be a message for the poor only. For it has...

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What was the point of the Reformation?

The Reformation was ultimately about the return of the central doctrine of the Christian faith; that God justifies (declares righteous, forgiven and not guilty) sinners for the sake of Christ, apart from any works of the Law. ...

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What Would Reformation Look Like Today?

I have being saying for a while that our trouble as a church, at least the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is that we still preach Law and Gospel and we still proclaim that Christ is the Savior.  Hard to get attention when we...

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Protector of the Church

St. Michael the archangel was always considered the protector of the church.  We Lutherans have no problem with that,  Here is an article taken from CPH, Treasury of Daily prayer that I urge you all to get. The name of the...

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Time to Build the Church

‘It is not we who build [the church]. Christ builds the church. No man builds the church but Christ alone. Whoever is minded to build the church is surely well on theway to destroying it; for he will build a temple to...

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