Month: October 2014

Jesus Came Into the World to Comfort.

The Great Reformer was a pastor and a son too.  We tend to forget that. In his work as a Pastor to try and console the grieving or the dying Luther made a remarkable statement that Jesus ‘became incarnate to comfort’.   When his...

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Doing Grief.

Luther had a friend named John Reineck whose wife died and Luther wrote this…… How should we conduct ourselves in such a situation? God has so ordered and limited our life here that we may learn and exercise the...

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Faith and Grief.

Luther underlines the significance of faith in situations of suffering. Genuine faith, in the midst of the terrible situation, is able to discern reality from non-reality; the spiritual from the merely physical; the eternal from...

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Good Grief part 2

I have over the last year or so started to go back and read Luther and also what others say about Luther.  I have a hard time expressing how Luther and Paul as you read and study them over take you with their intuitive knowledge...

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Good Grief

  I was meeting with several people this week and for whatever reason, maybe it’s the Fall season and the melancholia that comes with it that get us all in the mood but all the discussions turned to loss.  Loss of...

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