Month: January 2015


The coming of the Wise men is important because it says that Christ is the King of the whole world.  Christ is the Lord of the whole world.  Christ is the fulfillment of prophecies that all the ends the earth would see that...

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Luther on Todays Gospel Luke 2:41-51

For all those looking for peace, contentment, happiness, faith, hope, love, or any of the other things that we look for that can only be found in Christ, Luther has some simple words.  Mary heard the Angel message and was filled...

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Say It Ain’t So!

Newsweek magazine, which can’t get enough readers to continue to publish an actual printed on paper magazine, used a lot of ink to publish an article that managed to get a lot of “religious types” upset.  I...

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A New Year of Freedom In Christ.

We have our sentiments about what a Happy New Year means .  The poster shows what it usually entails.  We seek happiness and the Gospel frees us from that slavery.  We want adulation and the Gospel frees us from that as well....

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