Month: February 2015

The End of the World and Mercy.

For there are certainly souls who are joyfully and with a good conscience awaiting the judgment of Christ; for they are in the rank and fellowship of those who believe in Christ, and who show fruits of faith through charity and...

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Misremembering Revisited

  People get wrapped up on Valentines Day and then forget what it was all about the rest of the time.  Now we have folks trying to make the whole month about love so that we can forget about it the rest of the year I...

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Misremembering and Commemorating.

Here is an article that I wrote for my local newspaper. No one as far as I know in this newspaper has ever “misremembered” anything.  Reporters for this newspaper want to tell the truth, report the facts, and get on...

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Things We Get To See.

“District Presidents usually have an interesting perspective on things.  When I first came to North Dakota Rev. Alwin Reimnitz was the president and he held an orientation for the new guys in the District.  By that time he...

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