Month: April 2015

O Grave Where Is Thy Victory.

Paul calls Christ the “firstfruits” of those who sleep (1 Corinthians 15:20). He’s risen, and there is more coming after Him! Christ as the “Head” of the Body is born unto eternal life; and just as in natural childbirth, the...

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Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is all over our news in ND. LCMS ND and LWML ND invite you to attend a lunch workshop to educate church workers and lay members about human trafficking and how to respond to the victims. This Witness, Mercy,...

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Good Friday

Take careful notice of Christ’s stripes and wounds for they are our sins. And read inscribed on the bonds, chains, and blows: mine, mine, my sins! so that we preserve ourselves from boasting in our own suffering, as when one...

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