Month: May 2015

Memorial Day Prayer

This is a slightly changed version of an Armed Forces Day prayer from the LCMS Commission on worship. With grateful hearts on this Memorial Day, we thank you, Lord, for the men and women who gave their lives in service of our...

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Memorial Day and Mission

The LCMS as part of our mission has a Ministry to the Armed Forces.  As we prepare to celebrate Memorial Day and remember the sacrifices of so many in the Armed service over the years we should remember our chaplains called by...

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Eleemosynary – say what?

As I get older I become more aware how glibly folks around me forget their history in particular and our shared history in general. The concept that there was a world of wonder and beauty and horror and war and death before they...

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Those Pesky Words

Spokesmen are supposed to go before the country and explain and answer questions about politics and policy.  Over the years they really became more information hiders that information providers but sometimes maybe they should...

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