Month: May 2015

Justice part 5

Luther gives what I think is a good idea of “justice” in a sermon on 1 Corinthians 10  He talks about the place that Paul gives to difficulties and backsliding and unbelief of the Israelites, “Now these things happened...

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What is Justice Part 4

I started talking about principles of justice because after Ferguson and Baltimore and other places people are crying out for justice and I am trying to get a handle on what justice is in the legal, theological and...

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What is Justice? Part 3

Another principle of justice is “just deserts”. The principal of merit or “deserts” implies a proportionality principle. The punishment must fit the crime. Reward must reflect effort. Greater crime...

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The Okeyo Traveler Takes Off.

Remember we started the Mary Okeyo Scholarship trip to get young people over the Kenya to see the way Christians there work out their faith in their culture with their particular joys and sorrows, challenges and resources.  The...

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Those Interesting Coincidences

Acts 8 I have had my own experiences of being out in the middle of nowhere half way around the world and having someone approach me out of the blue to either make a confession of faith in Christ or to ask why I was there. ...

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