Month: June 2015

Under the Cross at the LWML Convention

This was taken from the stage at the LWML Convention.  This is the back side of the Cross (I never got a picture of the front)and it really was the center piece of the dais as it should be.  Much of what the LWML does as it...

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LWML Convention

President Harrison, President of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, addressed the LWML convention on a dubiously momentous day.  The women had been in session and had not all heard that the Supreme Court had imposed a view of...

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Thoughts on LWML Convention

I was haunted by this picture that was hanging above the stage at the LWML Convention in Des Moines.  Depending on the perspective it could be the twilight of the church, or the sunrise for the church.  Depending on the way the...

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Des Moines

I have the chance to be  an attendee at the LWML convention in Des Moines.  Want to see President Kaye off in her last convention and thank her for the continued partnership that she and the LWML have fostered with the church at...

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