Month: July 2015

Give Me That End Time Religion!

The idea of past and future is more and more in my mind as I think about the church.  The old song popped into my head………….. Give me that old time religion Tis the old time religion, Tis the old time...

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Under the Cross Again

I finally received the picture of the front of the cross that stood on the dais at the LWML Convention.  It is quite beautiful and my picture was from behind.  You see the figures of women around the cross.  The cross is our...

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Secularizing the Sacred and Vice Versa

The sanctuary of Trinity Lutheran in Drayton.  The sanctuary if the holiest place in the church. If history were music there is a motif that can be followed and embellished from Nimrod to Nabo0 -Chadari – Uzzer, to Henry...

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Nature and Natures God

  “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal...

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Devotion to God and Illuminations

The Second Continental Congress voted on July 2, 1776, in favor of a resolution of independence, a Declaration of Independence that became the official act of the American colonies separating themselves from Great Britain. On...

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