Month: September 2015


Many times in the scripture we are told to wait.  The disciples were told to wait until they received power from in high.  We wait for the coming of Christ to fulfill all things.  Christian hope can be patient in mercy projects...

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Mercy and the Powers.

This is a picture of Pastor Benjamin from up at Wamba in Kenya – I believe that he is now the General Secretary of the ELCK.  The ELCK, LCMS and others are working very closely to make sure that project 24, a mercy project...

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Blood Drives and Luncheons

Trinity in Drayton sponsors a blood drive and it is much appreciated.  That blood drive goes on today at Tisdale Manor in Drayton and if you can help that would be great.  Thanks Trinity for your work. Tomorrow Zion in Grafton...

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Cosmic Explosions

The explosion itself was terrific. A monstrous thing but still attracts along  procession of superlatives. It was the greatest detonation, the most devastating volcanic event in modern recorded human history. 13% of the earths...

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Anachronistic and Prophetic…

Someone said that preaching the Gospel faithfully without the power of the Holy Spirit is impossible.  The proclamation of Law and Gospel is the most counter intuitive things that one can do in this culture.  Think of the...

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