Month: November 2015

Mercy and the Foolishness of the Cross.

I have been going on and on about the fact that we seem to have some in the church that believe that mercy work is either superfluous  or even detrimental to missions.  There are those in the church that believe that our gifts...

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Catastrophe and Missions.

Luther seems to have a one note Charlie attitude towards the bad things that happen in the world. It seems that when he viewed any catastrophe whether it was natural or man-made he had his usual response handy and that was that...

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Someone is Lying ……………..

I am still trying to get someone to explain to me the difference between a follower of Islam and a violent Jihadist. Islam by definition is a warrior religion.  It may have started out peaceably, but it certainly did not remain...

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Planting Trees and Mercy.

He probably never said it but many attribute to Luther a famous quote that if he knew the world would end tomorrow  he “would plant a tree today”.  Whether he said it or not it sounds like something Luther would...

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