Month: March 2016

Jeremiah and Missions.

Jeremiah was told by God to put an ox yoke around his neck as a symbol of the captivity of the nation in Babylon.  That caused a lot of rancor and anger and even attempted murder on the part of rulers and false prophets.  If...

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Thank You Immanuel GF

Immanuel Lutheran Church in Grand Forks gave me the privilege of preaching for their Mission Festival and I was honored to be given the chance to speak about the LCMS mission and mercy work around the world.  It had the great...

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Jeremiah and Jeremiads

Jeremiah is called the “weeping Prophet”.  With good reason he should stand as a great example of someone heroic and consequential for those who want to be faithful witnesses and mission minded confessors.  So...

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Luther as Seer

Luther seems to have been remarkably prescient in one of His sermons.  Knowing what we know from history and especially European history what Luther had to say was eerily accurate.  What is going on today is eerily similar too....

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