Month: September 2016

Living In Fear or Living In Fear.

I am amazed at the political climate that we are in.  There are people who live in fear and one politician has pointed it out while the other side says it is not that bad and the media says it cannot imagine what is being talked...

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Unlimited Horizons

I used to wake up to a view much like this everyday when I lived in Leadville Co.  I can still remember getting out early in the morning on those crisp Fall days and feeling like the mountains were so close I could touch them...

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Lutheran Social Ethics

Many years ago professor F.E.Meyer wrote this in the Concordia Theological Journal Vol XV no 6 1944 – “In recent theological literature (Neo-Orthodoxy) the charge has been made that the Lutheran ethic is not...

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Eternal Habitations

Jesus says in Luke 16, “The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. 9 I tell you,...

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The Uses of Money

After last Sundays Gospel from Luke 16:1-113 there is a great summary from Richard Caemmerer in an article called “Investment for the Future”. The uses of money.-Old and New Testament alike set before us two major...

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