Month: December 2016

Merry Christmas You Kooks and Slobs.

I mentioned yesterday in the blog that I had slightly revised a sermon from Martin Franzmann that had to do with the fact that Christ came to earth without any friends and bound them with His love.  It is a part of a truly...

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Thoughts for a Winter Solstice

When all was still and it was midnight, your almighty Word, O Lord, descended from the royal throne. (Wisdom 18:14-15) (Antiphon for the Christmas Midnight Introit.) The Greeting for the celebration of the Ascension is “God has...

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Those Christmas Miracles

There are movies like “Miracle on the 34th Street” and “Christmas Miracle”.  There are songs about miracles and poems that try and push the miracle imagery.  The miracles of Christmas in the Bible are...

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Adam and Eve and Christmas.

December 19 is the commemoration of Adam and Eve.  I found this marvelous treatment of the day in a blog called Concordia and Koinonia by Pastor Mark Schroeder.  Check it out sometime.  Here is Pastor Schroeder’s insights...

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Beauty for Ashes

Aleppo is an ancient city that is basically a rubble today because of feckless politicians and dictators and  world class liars that can never tell the truth about anything, including why they are engaging in genocide before the...

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