Month: March 2017

Loving Salvation But Not the Savior.

On Wednesday Evenings during Lent we often use the service of Evening Prayer.  Interestingly the Canticle for that service is the Magnificat.  For some it seems strange that we would use a Christmas song during Lent.  We miss...

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Why Come to Church?

In 1881 a billboard in London invited passers-by to come to church.  It said, “There is a poem on ‘The Buried Life’ of which I am often reminded. Your lives are busy, useful, honest; but your faces are anxious and you are not...

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Mercy and The Big Why.

In the Gospel lesson for tomorrow you will hear how the disciples see a man who was born blind and they ask the great “why” question.  Who sinned, this man or his parents that he should be born blind?  I guess I have...

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