Month: July 2017

Perfecting His Praise

Luther was asked why he took up the job of writing a commentary on Genesis. “I undertook the work in order that I might be found at death among that “little flock” and of those “babes,” out of whose...

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The Word is Like a River.

In the introduction to his commentary of Genesis Luther quotes from an early church father St. Gregory who wrote a commentary on Job, and Luther in his inimitable style gives us this gem. “According to Gregory, Scripture...

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Missionary in Our Midst

We have a LCMS Missionary in Grand Forks this Summer attending the Summer Institute of Linguistcs, the Rev. Doug Thompson. Doug was a parish pastor in ND for two years and then was called to ministry in Montana where he spent...

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On the Writing of Books

I thought about writing a book about writing sermons.  It takes a certain amount of hubris to think that you can write a book to begin with, and then there is a certain amount of vanity that thinks anyone would read it.  Then...

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Indicatives and Imperatives

What God commands us to do (the imperative) is based upon what he has done, is doing or will do (the indicatives).  Example – Philippians 2:12b-13 . . .work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who...

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