Month: July 2017

James 4 and Africa Time

  Here is a blast from the past -2012 to exact. Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14Why, you do not even know what will...

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Project 24 and Bob Wurl

Bob Wurl is one of the original Project 24 guys.  He is our doing his thing this summer and talking about Project 24 and how it is going.  The Minnesota North District and North Dakota Districts have partnered to build Boarding...

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The disconnect between what we say we believe, what we want to believe, and what we really do believe, is sometimes stunning. We say we believe that God is in charge and that he can do anything, and yet when we see it actually...

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The Machinations of a State

Christians should be praying for little Charlie Gard and his parents.  This is a tough situation and a very sad case.  Ethicist’s will talk about the Charlie Gard case for a long time. Have supporters of the...

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The Clergy Who Signed the Declaration

  We can’t seem to agree on much of anything in this country and almost every question or proposition will raise a fuss and sometimes an argument.  Mick Huckabee raised quit a fuss awhile back when he said that half...

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