Month: August 2017

Obedience to the Unenforceable.

  Lord Moulton is a fascinating character. He was minister of munitions in Britain during World War I a member of Parliament and a jurist. His “middleground concept  ”  what holdssociety together is fascinating....

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Companions in Maddness

I heard of a British a jurist named Lord Moultin who claimed that in our life together we need to look at a scale. The scale goes from left to right. 20% of the things on the right are things that we are not to do. In any civil...

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More on Iconoclasm

  Destruction of the Icons in Zurich Luther preached a sermon on the destruction that took place when people wanted to remove every vestige of the past and destroy history.  He said at the end of his sermon…… It...

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Tearing Down the Monuments

A few years ago and my brother introduced me to something called “the Onion”. It looked for all intents and purposes to be a legitimate news organization and many of the articles seemed reasonable, although not quite...

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Patience is a Virtue? Usually.

“We urge you, brethren, to admonish the disorderly, to comfort the faint-hearted, to lend a hand to the weak, and to be patient toward all” (1 Thess. 5: 14). Patience is a virtue they say and like other virtues it is...

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