Month: August 2017

When the Bible Interprets Us

I am convinced that there is truth to what someone said about the Bible interpreting us.  You can read your Bible everyday, study until your eyes ache, read it for comfort or knowledge of reproving or correcting but there is...

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Marlene Brandenburg R+I+P

She was a genuinely funny person.  I am confused to this day about the spelling of her last name because of a remark she made about fortresses and sandwiches and mountains.  I doesn’t make much sense right now but to be...

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The Theology of Drought

Jeremiah 2:13 – 13 for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water. The forsaking of God is often...

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Pasquinades Then and Now.

  A pasquinade was a statue in Rome back in the day, in which people would post nasty things said in funny ways.  It was a single location and you had to know where it was and how to get there in order to enjoy the action. ...

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