We have a great opportunity here and I hope we can take advantage of it. I received this from Harold Gessner of the the North Dakota Orphan Grain Train group.
At a recent meeting of our ND-OGT committee we agreeded that it was our wishes to gather a shipment for Kenya if there is still a need. What we need to know what items is of the greatest needs and we would contact our ND peaple, congregations, LWML etc. and put them togther until we have enougth for a container. If we need to we may need to build up some shipping funds, although we may have enough
We will also neeb to know the name of the reciever & other info as time goes by. May our Lord Bless us in our plans and deliberations ND-OGT District Chairman, Harold Gessner
I see some of my relatives in this picture. They do wonderful work for the Orphan Grain Train. Thanks! To all of you.