
There is always a great danger when writing a blog that you forget someone.  It is never meant, and when you are caught in the mistake the flat of the hand goes to the fore head and a giant slap is accompanied with the exclamation, “how could I miss that?”  I wrote and article awhile back in which I listed the organists that had served over the years and how blest we were to have them.  I had a greater blessing than I had remembered because there were two that I had neglected to mention and that was Cathi and Eileen Schultz.  They played the organ all through High School and Cathi came back from college and took up where she left off.  Cathi is now the only one left.

The 6 degrees comes about because of a visit I had with someone from Ada Minnesota and all the old connections came rushing back.  Cathi’s Aunt still attends the church in Ada and Cathi’s mother was the sponsor for Roger Drevlow my old friend.  Rogers wife Joann was in one of the first groups we took to Kenya in the early Project 24 days. Rogers father was a Pastor in Ada years ago.  There are churches in Ada proper and one in Golden Valley and all of them are connected in ways that are interesting.  Recently former North Dakota District President Larry Harvala served at Ada.  Larry is from Park Rapids Minnesota and is known for giving away hundred dollar bills from his hospital bed.  Ada is also the home to Rev. Brad Stoltenow’s parents.  Brad was the Circuit Counselor that served Grand Rapids years ago and when I was visiting Grand Rapids I met one of Cathi’s relatives in that church too.  In the meantime Brad, who was serving as Pastor in the church Roger Drevlow was attending took a call to Colorado and has a congregation about 2 miles from my brothers house.

If you don’t think these connections are interesting I apologize but I find them fascinating.  God uses us and those around us in interesting ways as we wend through this life.  We meet and move away and meet again in multifaceted ways that we may never understand, but when we catch glimpses of the connections they are wonderful.

So anyway I am sorry that I missed Cathi and her service in the last blog.  She is appreciated.  In the meantime Mick Peppard and Bob Merrill are still in Rochester.  Prayers ascend.