Lutheran Women’s Missionary Leagues of North Dakota and Minnesota North will soon be convening. I would like to encourage all women to attend these conventions for the sake of mission, and ministry that they so well support not only by prayer, but by the financial backing of gifts and mites. The Board of International Missions, as well as the Board of National Missions for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod understands well the importance of the LWML. The Bible studies at these conventions alone are worth your time and effort. I have gone back to the themes of the conventions that have been held, and I’m looking at the themes of the conventions that will be held in the future. This little exercise
in itself is instructive about the nature and the function of the LWML. From what I can gather, the Atlantic District was the first to have a convention back in April. The theme was based upon Psalm 138:3. It was entitled. When I Called; You Answered Me”. The Psalmist has been helped by God and delivered from whatever afflicted him and therefore wants to give thanks. His soul has been strengthened so he wants to give thanks. He’s been delivered from whatever malady he possessed, and for that reason he wants to give thanks. He believes that God will “perfect whatever concerns him because of His mercy and for that reason he wants to give thanks.
Musing about this passage is that the word rendered in English “Give thanks” doesn’t cut it. Many Old Testament scholars will tell you that when you run across the term “I will give you thanks” in the Old Testament, it means “I will confess you”. A missionary league is about helping missionaries confess Jesus as Savior. Missionary leagues want to support the gospel proclamation, and our missionary leagues do just that. How much this passage has to do with missions is stunning in it’s scope.
The Psalmist sees God being confessed to all the kings of the earth. The Psalmist wants all the kings of the earth join in God’s presence. The Psalmist says the entire world having God’s mercy confessed to them so that they can join in praising him. What a marvelous study, what a marvelous emphasis upon mission work being the result of God coming to rescue of us through Jesus Christ his Son.