There are three youth from ELCK (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya), Krista Young the DCE and her husband attending the LCMS youtouth gathering. They will also be bringing three missionary kids from their field, She writes, “so, our total group is 9, but only 3 of them are from the ELCK. The other youth pictured are siblings and friends. Registration cost is free for international students – so the largest need is for airfare from Kenya to USA. Unfortunately, that is a larger costs than the registration fees”.
She continues as to how the donations, if they come, will be managed.
“We don’t have a line item in the mission budget, so that is why the funds will go through Mount Calvary in St Louis. It will make it easier for us to access the donations given. We will also keep proper receipts and close track of what is used.”
Pastor McManus over in Minnesota North is working on this as well and hoping that some of our Project 24 folks might chip in.
Please contact Krista for information as to where to send the money.
DCE Krista Young
Volunteer Coordinator East Africa
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Office of International Mission