Demuth and His Bike at Tour de Pink

There was a movie with James Steward that was remade with Audy Murphey just after I was born called “Destry Rides Again”.  I haven’t seen it in years but I thought about when I saw this –


First Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, MN recently participated in a fundraising effort for Habitat for Humanity. Pastor Greg DeMuth and 134 other cyclists from Minnesota and the northern mid-west rode 500 miles through southern Minnesota July 15-21. A total of $328,000 was raised by the riders and their congregations: enough to purchase materials to build six homes.  First Lutheran’s participation in this project reflects our mission value to be a family friendly congregation sharing the love of Jesus with our community.  Habitat for humanity is a Christian ministry dedicated to providing decent and affordable housing for people in need. Last week the 2000th home was dedicated in Minneapolis. More info can be found on Pastor DeMuth’s mission blog entitled “As the Wheels Turn”

You can read about the other ride by going on this site to September 2, 2011, and October 11, 2011.