I have gotten wonderful notes letters and cards with inspirational messages. They are very heartfelt and quite touching and I appreciate it very much. For those of you who have written some of these I want to know how much they are appreciated. One got me off on a tangent. It comes from an acquaintance from the past – Rev Fred Gehrs.
He writes – Here are a few notes I’ve jotted down for my own review and edification. Job 19: “I know my Redeemer lives”
Romans 8: “…no condemnation…”
John 14: “I go to prepare a place for you”
I Corinthians 15, “Death swallowed up in victory.”
Revelation 21 A new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem.
And the hymn writers have done a superb job of telling the story with rousing songs of victory, often written for and to themselves.”
It was the last bit that sent me meandering on a path of hymnic reflection. Is there a huge difference between hymns written for or to myself and another kind of hymn and what would the “others ” be?
This may not be interesting to everyone but I am kind of home bound so……..more tomorrow.