32 dead so far since last night on the tornadoes that are firing up all over the mid-west and the east. 95 tornadoes in one day is something of a record. From Kansa to Indiana and all the way to North Carolina the weather map looks like the topography of potential suffering. If it seems worse than in yeas past, I don’t know why that is but it does seem that the weather now is worse than in years past. Needs will be great so a reminder –
The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Tornado Relief Fund allows us to hit the ground running when disaster strikes. Following the unprecedented number of tornadoes in 2011, we are entering the 2012 storm season–which on Feb. 29 brought deadly tornadoes to several Midwestern states–with limited funds. Your contribution today will enable us to respond in Christ’s name when and where there is a need following a tornado or other damaging storm.
- Mail checks (noting “Tornado Disaster Relief” in the memo line) to The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, P.O. Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861.
- Or, call toll-free 888-930-4438.
Any funds not needed for this relief effort will be used for other disaster purposes as determined by Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Disaster Relief. Your gift is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.