The women of the Central Zone of the LWML North Dakota District are busy with preparations to make your time in Jamestown for the LWML Convention on June 24-26 spiritually-uplifting and enjoyable. They are hoping and praying that each church in North Dakota sends two women delegates who will vote for new officers and mission grants for the next biennium. And hopefully, many more teen girls and women of all ages and their guests will come and participate in servant events, the mite walk on Saturday afternoon, Bible studies, and listening to mission speakers.
June 20-22 the Minnesota North District meets in Willmar Minnesota and their theme is “Heir of God’s Abundant Love”. These themes are important because they hold together all the activities and actions that the convention will take.
Back in April the Central Illinois District LWML had their convention and the theme was “Create in Me a Clean Heart” based on Psalm 51 . We Lutherans know all about Psalm 51 because it is a part of our liturgy. “Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right Spirit within me. Cast me not away from the presence and restore to me the joy of my salvation”. Luther once said that when God converts a person and makes them His, it is as if He created heaven and earth all over again. David, after he sinned was a pagan. God’s Word convicted Him and God in His mercy forgave Him. Create in me a clean heart is an amazing statement. God has to create new hearts in us because we have nothing. He created the world out of nothing and out of the nothingness of our sinning he creates something new. In forgiveness He makes us new creatures. In this new creation mission and mercy for others are formed. David is forgiven and made clean and new and that transformation is used to “teach transgressors” God’s way, and sinners will turn to God. That is mission and mercy.