When the Minnesota North and North Dakota Districts combined and partnered to work together on 3 Project 24 boarding schools for at risk young people in Kenya one of the issues that received more discussion than many people would guess was the rise of Islam in the areas where we are working and what the rise of Islam means to the missionary world in general.
Detlev Schulz in his monumental work “Mission From the Cross – The Lutheran Theology of Mission” makes this statement –
“As a visible phenomenon and expression of Christianity, mission today has received a renewed strength and emphasis among Christians and churches of all denominations worldwide. We are now in a time of mission. A number of factors contribute to this: the waning of Christian populations in the west; the influx of immigrating, largely non-Christian people into the United States and Western Europe; and the resurgence of missionary zeal among non-Christian religions. All these factors have renewed and intensified the call from mission among Christians. This means that Lutheran congregations and church bodies also should heed their apostolic and missionary calling in the 21st-century.”
In order heed our calling we need to understand the world that we are seeking to work in and the people we are seeking to work with. The North East Zone of the North Dakota District and congregations in the Minnesota North Zone invite you all to learn some stuff.
Mark your calendar today! There is no cost and lunch is on your own.
January 30, 2016 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Hosted by the Crookston Circuit of the Minnesota North District and the North Eastern Circuit of the North Dakota
Do Muslims Worship the Triune God? Find out at our very special Circuit
Convocation on Islam on January 30th starting at 9:30 a.m. at First Lutheran
Church in East Grand Forks, MN. Our presenter will be Dr. Adam S.
Francisco, Assistant Professor of History and Political Thought at Concordia
University, Irvine and Adjunct Professor at Concordia Theological Seminary,
Fort Wayne, Indiana. Dr. Francisco is expert on Islam, the Qur’an, the
prophet and the Hadith sayings of the Prophet.
“Mission From the Cross” published by Concordia Publishing House 2009