This blog was set up to try and inform people about partnerships that existed between the Minnesota North District and the North Dakota District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. It is also meant to try to tell everyone of all of the different types of mercy activities that take place that may not go into a statistical record somewhere, but that nevertheless are undertaken by individuals and by churches in response to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Writing this blog has led me to look at all kinds of different ways people partner.
When I was in Denver at my nephews graduation I found this intriguing picture posted on the door of the elevator at my hotel. I thought it looked familiar and then I read the small statement that you can’t make out in this picture. The bison is supposed to be the world’s largest buffalo and it sits on a hill just outside of Jamestown, North Dakota. There’s an enclosure there that houses a pretty good sized buffalo herd. Not long ago a white buffalo was born and that caused quiet a stir among the Native American population in North Dakota. The point of all of this is that here is a Hilton motel in Highlands Ranch Colorado that supports through partnerships the refurbishing of a statue that sits outside of Jamestown, North Dakota. This got me to wondering how many of our partnerships support things that we may never think about? How many of the things that we support in North Dakota and Minnesota North are supporting projects and programs that we would never think to support on our own? I’m all about checking out charities, and what those charities are doing with our gifted dollar. We are trying to let people who contribute to Project 24, or the May Okeyo scholarship fund apprised of where their money goes and how it is used. That’s not always easy. We will try our best in the future to let everyone know who contributes to Project 24, 1001 Orphans or Mary Okeyo how those hard-earned dollars are being used.