
I believe that this is Pastor Benjamin.  I met him in Wamba and milked his camels.  Well I tried to milk his camels.  Pastor Benjamin has taken a new position in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya.  He is showing some of our Pastors a Project 24 Boarding School.  It struck me as I looked at the building and the bunk beds that an interesting perspective emerges.  We have a lot of folks out there with ideas about mission and ministry and many of them have strong opinions about theological education being the most important thing that we can share with out partner churches.  I don’t disagree with that at all.  But another perspective tells me that for theological education to take place there need to be folks to educate.  In order for there to be folks to educate we have to have religious instruction in the primary grades.  In order for that to be effective we need to have some boarding schools for children with special needs or who come from special circumstances and for that to happen we need something as simply as mosquito nets to keep children from dying before they can even learn about Jesus.