angry-jols-x3When you are out tricking and treating or turning off your lights and hiding in your basement or whatever you do on Halloween I hope you take a few moments and remember the Reformation……

Reformation Day can too easily become a day of pride for those who claim the legacy of Martin Luther, but it can also too easily be forgotten or distorted. We are not here for hero worship of a man but to give thanks to God for Luther and those of every generation whose voices have been raised in faithful witness to the Gospel. At the same time, we are here to affirm that this Gospel remains under threat from both within and outside the Church. So we must take up in our own generation the call to renew the careful distinction between Law and Gospel, to affirm the authority of the Word of God as source and norm of our faith and teaching, and to herald the clearest proclamation of Jesus Christ crucified and risen to pay the cost of our redemption and justify the sinner before God. With joy, we affirm this salvation is by grace alone and not of our own works and that we apprehend this by the Holy Spirit’s work of faith in our hearts. ( From CPH Creative Worship)