This is Pastor Karl Weber from Minnesota North and Project 24 project manager Kissinger and a student who evidently just planted a tree at one of the centers.
Tree of course are always a sign of hope and despite a lot of issues Project 24 is moving forward. As said before by so many, we in the church have hope because we have Christ.
From the theology of mercy –
Christ’s mandate and example of love for the whole person remains our supreme example for life in this world, and for care of the needy, body and soul. Christ’s Palestinian ministry combined proclamation of forgiveness and acts of mercy, care and healing (Luke 5:17-26). Christ likewise sent forth the apostles to proclaim the good news, and to heal (Luke 9:2ff.). Christ mandated that his gospel of forgiveness be preached to all (Matthew 28; Mark 16) and that “all nations” be baptized for the forgiveness of sins. Christ also left his church a feast of his body and blood unto forgiveness, life and salvation. In describing the events of the last day, Christ noted the importance of mercy in the life of the church (Whatsoever you have done to the least of these… Matthew 25).